International Radio Network


IRN Connections

Zello? Teamspeak? DMR? Allstar? You may connect to the IRN using any of these modes, and more!

In collaboration with our partners, we are pleased to offer connections through Teamspeak 3, Zello, Allstar, DMR as well as other modes. Some connections are accessible only to licensed amateur radio operators, because the networks are linked to amateur-only facilities, such as DMR and Allstar. Others are open to all licensed and non-licensed operators.

Licensed users

Monitor the IRN Dashboard and see all the available Talk Groups at

We owe a great thanks to the Extended Freedom Network for their generosity, technical support, and ongoing collaboration.

All users

Zello ‘International Radio Network’ channel is permanently connected to the 'IRN QSO and Nets' channel on Teamspeak 3. 'Ham Radio Hub' is a stand-alone channel for general use.

Please click on the link below to view a PDF version of our list of current connections.

IRN Connections

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